SUNMASTER Sunflower Harvesting Header
SUNMASTER Sunflower Harvesting Header affords harvest regardless of row spacing, sowing direction, or variety of sunflower.
The header’s design features allow for harvest in regions of varying terrain and even later than the usual timelines for harvest.

Technical features:
The arrangement of the divider points facilitates efficient and smooth entry into the sunflower crop field, dividing it in streamlines and feeding the material at regular intervals into the reel and central auger of the header. The sunflower heads are conveyed to the combine’s hopper.
Thanks to its comparatively low weight and broad width span, this header guarantees low fuel consumption, convenient operation and easy maintenance.
Headers have a working range of 4 to 9.4 meters and are manufactured for all types of combines
For operating in fields with grassy weeds or for harvest of very tall sunflower, we offer models with extended lifters
Quality advantages:
- Reliable cut, even for wet sunflower crop
- Loss reduction thanks to the rounded protective shield.
In the header’s work process, the shield helps to gently slant the sunflower stalks forward under a particular angle, so that only the heads and a small part of the stem can find their way into the cutting device zone. The inside of the shield does not allow the harvested crop to reverse back into the lifters and jam them.
The divider points’ width and the spacing afford a harvest with minimal losses regardless of the direction of movement, or the variety of sunflower. The round tips of the divider-point ends protect the sunflower stalks from blows that might shake the head and spill its seeds.
Cost-efficiency. The row-free header, SUNMASTER, makes harvesting possible at higher speeds. Harvesting with this header to a great extent safeguards the soil structure due to its lower weight and compression.
Ease of Operation
The convenient access to the header’s working units facilitates their maintenance and service without difficulty. The reliable design, high-quality material inputs and components ensure the header’s reliability and sustainability.
Modus operandi
When driving the combine across the field , the rounded tips of the divider points separate the plants , regardless of the combine harvester’s direction of movement. The original shape of the divider points facilitates their gentle gliding into the sunflower mass, and by dividing it, to maintain the vertical position of the sunflower stalks.
When harvesting lodged sunflower, the header needs to be raised on a regular basis, so that the collected material can be moved to the central auger .
The upper part of the stalk meets the shield , the sunflower bends over, the heads fall between the shield and the divider points, the reel catches them and leads them to the cutting device, where the heads get separated from the stalks. The cut occurs close to the flower head base, and the leaves and stalks remain on the ground. Thanks to this process, there is a minimal contamination with impurities in the hopper of the combine harvester, and the moisture is negligible.
The reel and the central auger are covered by the shield which prevents any seeds, falling off the heads, to escape outside the header. The cut heads are collected and rhythmically fed by the central auger to the combine’s chamber.
The inclined chamber of the combine is separated from the central auger of the header by a distance that ensures a continuous inflow of the material. This procures a high-quality and uninterrupted harvesting process.